The Value of Writing for Different Mediums
Freelance copywriting covers a wide range of mediums. You might find yourself writing product descriptions, radio scripts, social media posts, e-mail content — pretty much anything that a company wants to outsource. As a freelance writer, that might sound overwhelming, but it just means there’s more variety possible in your day to day work. It’s important that you hone your writing skills for different mediums. The wider your skillset, the more opportunities for you to make money.
If you feel stuck in one medium, then practice something outside your comfort zone.
For example, if you’re used to only writing long-form articles and want to make additional income writing for brands on social media, practice writing your own tweets first as if you were writing from a company’s account. Pick a company like Wendy’s, study their voice on Twitter, then compose tweets in their voice. Also, watching late-night monologues and studying joke writers on Twitter is a helpful way to learn the craft of writing concise, creative messages with a punch. Even if you don’t want to write humorous copy, learning the structure can teach you how to write more efficiently for social media.
Think outside the box when searching for writing opportunities. Look into traditional and new media. We may be living in the age of TV and TikTok, but believe it or not radio is alive and well. All the ads you hear on the radio or podcasts — who do you think writes those scripts? It could be you! If you’ve never written a script before the task can seem daunting. The next time you’re listening to the radio or your favorite podcast, stop and actually listen to the advertisements instead of skipping forward. Transcribe the audio to see what a script actually looks like. Then pick a company and write your own radio ad in their voice.
One consistent factor that will help you excel no matter what: follow the directions. As you branch out into different writing mediums, make sure to pay attention to the new set of rules or guidelines. Guidelines for article writing jobs are going to look different than guidelines for radio ad projects. Take your time to understand the goal of the project, specific details to include, the timeline, tone/voice, etc. Don’t assume that best practices or style guidelines carry over from project to project. Thoroughly following directions will help you better craft something that fits the client’s needs and ultimately save you time!
If you’re a freelance writer who gets bored writing for one medium or simply wants to expand your skill set to open up more opportunities, then I highly recommend checking out Write Label. Write Label offers freelance writers a daily stream of different projects, like radio ads, social media posts, birthday cards, product descriptions, and more. Plus, Write Label offers resource articles and helpful tips to better equip writers for success. It’s like getting free training while making money writing!