Radio Ads For Small Business Owners
If you’re promoting your business on the radio, there’s probably a lot that you want listeners to know.
As a small business owner it can be tempting to cram as many details as possible into your ad because you want everyone else to feel the same way you do about your amazing company. Maybe you’re excited about promoting an event and you want to give every bit of information so that listeners don’t miss out on anything. After all, the more info, the better, right?
Not exactly.
When people are listening to the radio they’re usually driving or occupied with something else. If your radio ad is just a stream of facts it’s easy to tune out. It’s important to know which details to include and what to trim. Focus on formulating copy that grabs attention and drives home the call-to-action.
Using Write Label helps you determine the most important info, step by step, and lets you decide exactly how you want to engage listeners. Or you can let the pros decide for you!
Remember: the goal of your radio ad is to 1) get listeners’ attention, 2) help them retain information about your product or service, and 3) take action.
Key things listeners need to hear:
Business name. Business name. Business name. Repeating your business name throughout the ad will help people easily recognize what the ad is for, and remember it. As long as they can remember your name they can look you up online later.
What is the ad promoting? I’m sure there are a million things you could promote about your small business or event, but what are the most important? We all have a limited attention span, so try to focus on specific services or products, or seasonal deals. Listeners need to remember your company, not learn everything about it.
What is your call-to-action? Since most people look things up online these days, it’s always a safe bet to tell listeners to find you online or visit your website. If you earn business from phone calls, then you want your ad telling people to pick up the phone and call. Don’t worry about cramming in the phone number, website, address, latitude and longitude coordinates, astrological sign, etc. Repeat that phone number and get those calls!
Include your special offers! People know who the ad is for and how to contact you — now give them something to be excited about. If you’ve pushed past branding and spreading the word about your business, it’s beneficial to promote a special deal as an extra incentive.
Now that you have some insight on how best to present your business on the radio, here’s some good news: The team at Write Label does all the work for you. Our writers are trained to create the most effective and engaging radio ads for you, whenever you want. Focus on making your business awesome, and let Write Label give you the words to tell everyone about it.