Positive Messaging in 2021
Coming off a year filled with company messages that start with “Now more than ever” and “In these difficult times”, it’s important to embrace the new year and reach out to consumers with a fresh voice. For most of 2020, Write Label has been inundated with marketing and advertising that focuses on the pandemic. Understandably so, because every business needs to let the public know how they’re responding to the pandemic, that they’re still open, and operating safely. But people are tired of hearing the same message over and over. After editing a year of radio ads from a variety of businesses across the country, I’ve been able to see what stands out and what blends into the noise.
So how does your business or brand walk the line of maintaining awareness of the ongoing pandemic, while also connecting with people in a new way?
Be yourself: People know we’re in a pandemic and these are difficult times. They don’t need to be reminded every minute of every day. Knowing that people want a return to normalcy, it’s beneficial to simply focus your ad on your product, and depending on your industry, adding a short line about CDC safety protocols in place. In 2020, I saw many businesses focus their entire ad on safety protocols, with a line or two about their services.
Focus on the future: It’s 2021! It might still feel like 2020, but the fact is, it’s a new year so let’s not dwell on the past. We’re quickly leaving the window for “Happy New Year” messaging, but you can still focus your message on new deals for a new year, and take advantage of the fact that people know what to expect when dealing with businesses (i.e. social distancing, wearing a mask, etc.) There’s more of a presumption of safety protocols, so instead of saturating your ad with all the precautions your business is taking, you can save it for a line or two at the end (this will vary depending on the nature of your business).
Have fun: Living in a pandemic and enduring political fights left and right, it’s time to give bring in some levity and humor into your 2021 messaging. People want an escape from the stress of everything, so try adding a little fun into your ad. Communicate to your audience that despite a difficult past year and unknown future, your company offers hope and positivity.
Typical 2020 messaging: “Now more than ever, we need to make sure our cars run smoothly. Auto shop is here for you…”
Positive 2021 messaging: “Get out on the open road and explore! But before you do, stop by Auto shop…”
People are drawn toward positivity, especially in difficult circumstances. Sharing a fun message doesn’t make light of hard times, it shows that you can rise above them.
Need help writing you positive messaging for 2021? Contact Write Label to learn about our copywriting services.