Fighting Writer Burnout
Writing radio ads for what seems like a never-ending flow of projects every day can lead to feeling burned out. It’s no easy task creating new hooks and interesting calls-to-action for not-terribly-exciting industries. I’d like to commend all of our writers here on Write Label for putting in the time and effort to learn how to write great radio ads, and knocking it out of the park day in and day out.
Here are some tips to avoid burnout and some inspirational quotations from revered writers.
Move your body!
Working from home makes it easy to go from laying down in bed, directly to sitting in front of the computer. Starting the day with a little physical activity is a good way to charge your body up and get your mind going. When that post-lunch lull hits you hard and you’re feeling creatively dull, treat yourself to some movement — take a quick walk, stretch, or dance in your living room.
Make time for yourself
Writing for HVAC companies and radio DJs can feel a little draining creatively. When you hit a roadblock and need to get your juices flowing, make sure to set aside some time in the day to work on your own writing projects. Spending some time during the day to make progress on your script (or next hilarious tweet, TikTok video, novel, etc.) can give you a boost of energy. Look at you go — you’re making money on radio ads AND getting that feature script done!
Mix it up
Feeling burned out from writing similar-sounding radio scripts leads us to keep writing more of the same. It feels boring, but it’s easy. When you find yourself in that rut, test out a new approach to your next script. Is your default to write in single-person Announcer? Try writing more dialogue scripts (unless specified otherwise). If the brief says “No Preference” for the tone, and your default is to go “Serious”, then try adding some humor. Trying a new approach might add some challenge to an endeavor that’s become rote.
Feeling uninspired today? Here are some quotes that have given me encouragement when I deal with writer burnout:
Writing is an exploration. You start from nothing and learn as you go. — E.L. Doctorow
Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can. — Arthur Ashe
Good writing gives energy, whatever it is about. — Marilyn Hacker
The secret of getting ahead is getting started. — Mark Twain
Don’t watch the clock. Do what it does; keep going. — Sam Levenson
You are never too old to set another goal or dream a new dream. — C.S. Lewis
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