4 Tips For Writing Podcast Ads That Won’t Get Skipped

Write Label
3 min readNov 12, 2019


There’s a reason why ads at the beginning of podcasts are worth so much less. Apps have become more and more user-friendly, and, with them, the ability to skip audio has never been more effortless. A frequent listener to the podcast you’re advertising on can easily skip to the beginning of what they want to listen to — the podcast.

There’s a big difference between written ads and spoken ads. Once you understand that difference, you can start creating ads worth hearing.

Have a Purpose

You’re not selling your product today. You’ll never get a listener so excited they pull their car over and start typing in your website. Maybe that will change when everyone is in a self-driving car, but, for now, you’re not making ads that are so effective they’re causing accidents on the freeway.

Your job, then, isn’t sales. It’s moving a customer closer to a purchase. You need to motivate them to take the next step.

Have a purpose. Get them curious. Every sentence should move your listeners through a chain of emotions. The first sentence should make them pay attention by relating a problem. The second should offer them a solution. That’s it. If you haven’t given them a problem to solve, they’re already skipping through your ad before the call to action.

Here is an example of a bad start to a bad ad:

“An app that will change the world! Get out your phone and download Stitchify today!”

You’re giving them a call to action in the second sentence before anyone even knows what Stitchify is.

Here’s a better start to a better ad:

“Are you trying to mend a relationship that feels like it’s coming apart? Stitchify creates a plan to bring things back together. Our proven system will guide you step by step to improve the relationships most important to you.”

Yeah, I want to create this app now.

Tell a Story

A big mistake podcast advertisers use is having the hosts read awful copy. It sounds something like this:

John: I’m having trouble with one of my friends.

Paul: Really, John? Have you tried Stitchify? I downloaded Stitchify, and now I’m feeling confident about all my relationships. The app really knows how to make you feel like you’re on track!

John: That’s great, Paul. I will download it.

What just happened? Who talks like this?

Instead, tell a story. Illustrate a specific situation that listeners can relate to (staying in touch) and show them how the product can solve their problem. If a listener feels like you’re speaking to them, they’ll never skip. Allow the host to share a real moment with the listeners and worry about the features later:

John: Listen, I’m human. I once got so caught up editing this podcast I forgot my wife’s birthday.

Paul: What did you do?

John: Well, luckily, I had Stitchify. The app sent me a reminder and even gave me some suggestions for presents.

Paul: And it worked?

John: I’m still doing this podcast and not living on the street, so … yes, it did.

The first sentence lures the listeners in to find out what happened next and stops them from skipping ahead. If you don’t have a hook, they’ll swim right by your product.

Make Next Steps Crystal Clear

Every ad leads to a call to action. After you’ve hooked them, you have to reel them in. Call this number. Visit this website. Buy our thing.

Make it as easy to remember as possible. Make it short (fewer than five words), and say it more than once.

Don’t forget. These are spoken ads! If your URL isn’t foolproof, spell it out for them:

“Make things right with Stitchify. That’s S-T-I-T-C-H-I-F-Y dot com.”

Did I Say Repeat?

Repeat your call to action at least twice, and make sure it’s the very last thing in the ad. If you have a tagline, say it first and then say your call to action one more time. In fact, you can’t say it too many times!

If you need help building an awesome ad, reach out to the experts at Writelabel.com. Hundreds of experienced writers compete to give you quality, memorable copy.

That’s Writelabel.com. Did I mention the website is Writelabel.com?



Write Label
Write Label

Written by Write Label

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